Let me throw out a suggestion.
Never ask for advice if you’re not willing to follow up on it and do the work involved.
I thought I had a great post for my second week. I tossed it out to some friends. While that was not a mistake, it’s going to take me a week to do what came out of that. So … this is my second post.
Actually, this is not the first time this has happened to me, and it has probably happened to you as well.
Several years ago, I wrote a short story for a creative writing class. The assignment was supposed to be seventeen pages long. I considered myself to be a short-story writer, but for me “short” was five or six pages. Seventeen pages was going to be like writing a novel, like a sprinter trying to run a marathon.
On the due date, I turned in my effort. We were to have several copies to share with small groups of the rest of the class. I sat at the round table, chewing my fingernails, while the other four read my story. They gave me good feedback, and I relaxed a little.
Then, after class, one of them made this suggestion, “You know, you really ought to consider making that into a book.”
“A novel?” I heard my book bag hit the floor.
“Yes, it’s a great beginning.”
Not right away, but eventually I took her up on the challenge. The book is in its second-draft form.
So ask for advice and pray for the time and courage to follow up. The suggestion may be worthwhile.