What do writers think? What do retired people think? I’m retired, and I like to write. But what does that have to do with grammar? (I didn’t have time to seriously write or to create a blog before I retired.)
This blog is not about random thoughts or about random punctuation marks.
Punctuation is structured, like traffic signs. A stop sign has context (a specific location in the world) and a message (traffic may be crossing in front of you). It’s at an intersection for a reason. It wants you to stop for a reason.
But this thread is not structured that way. This is just what happens to be going through my mind at the beginning of a week (or, if I’m organized, near the end of the week before).
Many moons later :<)
You have probably noticed this yourself, but life has interfered with my writing here. This is not to say that I have ignored the blog, because I have made some changes and written new posts.
This should be a separate “Thinking” posting, but RankMath says I should add some length to this one. So …
While spring has officially sprung, the weather forecast has not noticed. The ducks’ water is usually hard in the morning. I take a hammer to it. Lone Duck waits until I break up the top and the grabs the ice cubes. If they’re too big, he spits tham back and waits until they are smaller. And this he does in sub-freezing weather! Personally, I’d rather have my ice in the summer than in the winter.